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Curriculum vitae et studiorum
Personal information
- Family name: Vecil.
- Given name: Francesco.
- Birth place and date: Udine (Italy), 21 February 1978.
- Citizenship: Italian.
- Personal adresse: 54, rue Bonnabaud, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand (France).
- Email: francesco.vecil AT uca.fr
- Professional adresse: office 117, Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, Université Clermont Auvergne, Campus des Cézeaux - 63178 Aubière (France).
- Work phone: +33 4 73 40 70 71
Positions held
- 01 October 2002-30 September 2006: IGSOC-IQUC Ph.D. fellowship
of the Catalan Government at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
- 01 October 2006-30 September 2007: European DEASE-Marie Curie
pre-doctoral fellowship at the Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France.
- 01 October 2007-30 November 2007: two-months fellowship
of the research group in numerical simulations of PDE's,
at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
- 01 April 2008-30 September 2008: six-month contract at the
Universidad de Gradana, Spain, inside project "Ingenio Mathematica"
(CSD2006-0032) for activity "Deterministic quantum model
for 2D MOSFET. Comparison with Monte Carlo and parallel implementation
on a cluster of PC's", funded by the Spanish MEC (Ministerio de
Educación y Cultura).
- 01 October 2008-30 September 2010: post-doctoral position at the Radon Institute
for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of
Sciences, in Linz, Austria.
- 01 October 2010-30 August 2013: post-doctoral position, with a Juan de la Cierva fellowship
of the Spanish ministry,
at the department of Applied Mathematics, Universitat de València, Spain.
- 01 September 2013-: maître de conférences (assistant professor) position,
Université Blaise Pascal (renamed Université Clermont Auvergne), Clermont-Ferrand (France).
- 01 September 2018-31 August 2019: unpaid leave (for personal reasons)
- 01 September 2019-: maître de conférences (assistant professor) position,
Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand (France).
Academic certificates
12 July 2002: Laurea in Matematica (Degree in Mathematics),
Università degli Studi di Padova (Padua, Italy). Title of the research project: Asynchronous
exponential growth in age-structured cell populations. Supervisors: Rosanna Bressan
Villella, Lorenza Tonetto.
[Tesi di Laurea]
[piano di studi]
[expediente (in Spanish)]
26 September 2005: Diploma de Estudios Avanzados,
mención Matemática Aplicada (Master of Advanced Studies in Applied Mathematics),
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain). Title
of the research project: Non-oscillatory interpolation methods applied to kinetic equations
for plasmas. Supervisor: José Antonio Carrillo.
17 December 2007: Ph.D. degree, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain).
Title of the Ph.D. thesis: A contribution to the simulation of Vlasov-based models. Supervisors: José Antonio
Carrillo, Naoufel Ben Abdallah.
[Ph.D. with French translation]
[European Ph.D.]
[Thesis report (with French translation)]
Qualification numéro : 11226213476, Corps : Maître de conférences,
section 26-Mathématiques appliquées et applications des mathématiques,
Date de qualification : 07/02/2011, Date effective de péremption : 31/12/2015.
Acreditació de l'Agència per la Qualitat Universitària de Catalunya (AQU),
figura: professorat col·laborador i lector, sol·licitud número 12860561.
Acreditación de ANECA,
figura: ayudante doctor.
Acreditación de ANECA,
figura: contratado doctor.
Teaching activity
- Integración numérica de ecuaciones en
derivadas parciales, 30 hours, department of Mathematics,
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).
Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, 14 hours, academic year 2009/10, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Austria).
Matemáticas II, 60 hours, Chemical engineering, Universitat de València (Spain).
Matemáticas II, 60 hours, Chemical engineering, Universitat de València (Spain).
- Analyse Numérique (31MANNUM), 28 hours CM, third year ISIMA.
- Analyse Numérique (31MANNUM), 28 hours TD, third year ISIMA.
- Intégrales et Résolution d'Équations Différentielles (31MM59), 26 hours TD, L3.
- Analyse Numérique (GMM1), third year, 14 hours TD, Polytech.
- Séries et Calcul Différentiel (21MM48), 50 hours TD, L2.
- Mathématiques Générales 2 (11MM22), 30 hours TD, L1.
- Module Mathématiques A/B (11MM11), 85 hours, L1.
- Mathématiques (21MP31), 30 hours, L2.
- Intégrales (31MM59), 26 hours, L3.
- Harmonisation 2 (41FM12), 16 hours, M1.
- Mathématiques Générales 2 (11MM22), 30 hours, L1.
- Analyse Numérique (370P6NUM), 14 hours, Polytech.
- Module A ou B Mathématiques (11MM11), 85 hours, L1.
- Mathématiques (21MP31), 30 hours, L2.
- Intégrales, résolution d'équations différentielles (31MM59), 26 hours, L3.
- Harmonisation - Méthodes numériques (41FM12), 16 hours, M1.
- Mathématiques appliquées à la chimie (21MM311), 25 hours, L2.
- Méthodes numériques (31MM55), 14 hours, L3.
- Module A ou B Mathématiques (11MM11), 85 hours, L1.
- Mathématiques appliquées à la chimie (21MM311), 25 hours, L2.
- Mathématiques (21MP31), 30 hours, L2.
- Méthodes numériques (31MM55), 14 hours, L2.
- Intégrales, résolution d'équations différentielles (31MM59), 26 hours, L3.
- Harmonisation - Méthodes numériques (41FM12), 16 hours, M1.
- Mathématiques (Z120AU01), 70 hours, TD, L1.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 18 hours, TD, L3 Mathématiques.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 14 hours, TP, L3 Mathématiques.
- Mathématiques A - portail avec maths (Z120BU03), 26 hours, TD, L1.
- Mathématiques (Z224CU04), 25.5 hours, TD, L2, Physique.
- Mathématiques (Z324EU01), 25.5 hours, TD, L3, Physique.
- Méthodes Numériques (Z442AU06), 16 hours, TP, M1, Physique.
- Méthodes Numériques (Z442AU06), 16 hours, TP, M1, Physique.
- Calcul intégral et séries (Z224DU05), 16.5 hours, TD, L2, Physique.
Courses 2018/2019
No teaching.
- Séries et intégrales (Z220DU03), 54 hours, TD, L2, Maths.
- Méthodes Numériques (1441AM01), 16 hours, TP, M1, Physique.
- Mathématiques (Z120AM01), 79 hours, TD, L1, portail Chimie-Maths-SPI.
- Mathématiques 2 (Z120BU01), 60 hours, TD, L1, portail Chimie-Maths-SPI.
- Logiciel scientifique (Z220CU01), 48 hours, TP, L2, Maths.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 14 hours, TP, L3 Mathématiques.
- Séries et intégrales (Z220DU03), 57 hours, TD, L2, Maths.
- Mathématiques des jeux (ZLEJZU01), 24 hours, TD, L3, Maths.
- Méthodes Numériques (1441AM01), 16 hours, TP, M1, Physique.
- Analyse Numérique (370P6NUM), 14 hours, TD, L3, Polytech.
- Mathématiques 2 (Z120BU01), 60 hours, TD, L1, portail Chimie-Maths-SPI.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 18 hours, CM, L3 Mathématiques.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 18 hours, TD, L3 Mathématiques.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 18 hours, TD, L3 Mathématiques.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 15 hours, TP, L3 Mathématiques.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 15 hours, TP, L3 Mathématiques.
- Programmation Python (Z220CU06), 24 hours, TP, L2, Maths.
- Programmation Python (Z220CU06), 24 hours, TP, L2, Maths.
- Mathématiques des jeux (ZLEJZU01), 24 hours, TD, L3, Maths.
- Séries et équations différentielles (Z220DU07), 36 hours, TD, L2, Maths.
- Cours de lecture (Z536DU05), 4 hours, TD, L2, Maths.
- Méthodes Numériques (1441BM07), 16 hours, TP, M1, Physique.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 18 hours, CM, L3 Mathématiques.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 18 hours, TD, L3 Mathématiques.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 15 hours, TP, L3 Mathématiques.
- Analyse dans Rn (Z32EU10), 36 hours, TD, L3 Mathématiques.
- Programmation Python (Z220CU06), 24 hours, TP, L2, Maths.
- Cours Introduction à la recherche (Z536DU05), 2 hours, CM, M2, Maths.
- Cours Introduction à la recherche (Z536DU05), 2 hours, TD, M2, Maths.
- Mathématiques des jeux (ZLEJZU01), 24 hours, TD, L3, Maths.
- Méthodes Numériques (1441BM07), 16 hours, TP, M1, Physique.
- Mathématiques 2 (Z120BU01), 48 hours, TD, L1, portail Maths-Physique-SPI.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 18 hours, CM, L3 Mathématiques.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 18 hours, TD, L3 Mathématiques.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 15 hours, TP, L3 Mathématiques.
- Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique (Z32EU04), 15 hours, TP, L3 Mathématiques.
- Analyse dans Rn (Z32EU10), 36 hours, TD, L3 Mathématiques.
- Programmation Python (Z220CU06), 24 hours, TP, L2, Maths.
- Mathématiques 2 (Z120BU01), 48 hours, TD, L1, portail Maths-Physique-SPI.
- Outils Maths portail sans maths (Z120BU07), 12 hours, TD, L1.
- Analyse Numérique (370P6NUM), 14 hours, TD, L3, Polytech.
Research lines
- Implementation of numerical solvers on high-performance platforms,
namely on Nvidia Graphic Card Units (GPUs) using Cuda extensions in C++.
- Realistic simulation of a nanoscaled MOSFET through deterministic models.
- Semi-Lagrangian, WENO, Strang splitting, Runge-Kutta
and AMR (Adaptive Mesh Refinement) methods for hyperbolic and kinetic equations.
- Simulation of the guiding-center models (plasma physics) with a semi-Lagrangian discontinuous-Galerkin method.
- Simulation of the Vlasov-Maxwell system for laser-plasma interaction (plasma physics).
- Simulation of particle and kinetic models for swarming.
- Simulation of models for the radiative transfert.
Master Thesis
Non-oscillatory interpolation methods applied to kinetic equations for plasmas. [PDF]
Ph.D. Thesis
A contribution to the simulation of Vlasov-based models.
José Antonio Carrillo, Francesco Vecil, Nonoscillatory interpolation methods applied to Vlasov-based models, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 29, no. 3, 1179--1206, 2007. JCR impact index: 1.78, quartile: 1. Area: MATHEMATICS, APPLIED. ISSN: 1064-8275.
José Antonio Carrillo, Armando Majorana, Francesco Vecil, A Semi-lagrangian deterministic solver for the semiconductor Boltzmann-Poisson system, Communications in Computational Physics 2, 1027--1054, 2007. JCR impact index: 1.63, quartile: 2. Area: PHYSICS, MATHEMATICAL. ISSN: 1815-2406.
José Antonio Carrillo, Thierry Goudon, Pauline Lafitte, Francesco Vecil, Numerical Schemes of Diffusion Asymptotics and Moment Closures for Kinetic Equations, J. Sci. Comp. 35, 113--149, 2008. JCR impact index: 1.175, quartile: 1. Area: MATHEMATICS, APPLIED.
Naoufel Ben Abdallah, María J. Cáceres, José Antonio Carrillo, Francesco Vecil, A deterministic solver for a hybrid quantum-classical transport model in nanoMOSFETs, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 228, nr. 17, 6553--6571, 2009. JCR impact index: 2.369, quartile: 1. Area: PHYSICS, MATHEMATICAL.
Pep Mulet, Francesco Vecil,
A semi-Lagrangian AMR scheme 2D transport problems in conservation form,
Journal of Computational Physics 237 (2013), 151--176.
Impact factor (in 2013): 2.485 (Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2014),
quartile: 1. Area: PHYSICS, MATHEMATICAL.
Francesco Vecil, Pauline Lafitte, Jesús Rosado, Numerical analysis of attraction/repulsion collective behavior models,
Physica D Nonlinear Phenomena, special edition related to the BIRS meeting, vol. 260 (2013), 127--144.
Impact factor (in 2013): 1.071 (Scimago Journal Rank indicator),
quartile: 1. Area: PHYSICS, MATHEMATICAL.
Francesco Vecil, José Miguel Mantas, María J. Cáceres, Carlos Sampedro, Andrés Godoy, Francisco Gámiz,
A parallel deterministic solver
for the Schrödinger-Poisson-Boltzmann system in ultra-short DG-MOSFETs: Comparison
with Monte Carlo,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 67, 1703--1721, 2014.
Impact factor (in 2014): 1.112 (Scimago Journal Rank indicator),
Francesco Vecil, Pep Mulet, Simon Labrunie, WENO schemes applied to the quasi-relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell
model for laser-plasma interaction,
Comptes Rendus de Mécanique for the special issue "Theoretical and Numerical Approaches for Vlasov-Maxwell Equations" (2014),
volume 342 no. 10--11, pages 583--594.
Impact factor (in 2014): 0.523 (SJR),
quartile: 2. Area: MATERIALS SCIENCE.
José Miguel Mantas, Francesco Vecil,
Hybrid OpenMP-CUDA parallel implementation of a deterministic solver for ultrashort DG-MOSFETs,
The Internation Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, volume 34, 81--102, 2020.
Impact factor (in 2020): 0.328 (SJR),
Francesco Vecil, José Miguel Mantas, Pedro Alonso-Jordá,
Efficient GPU implementation of a Boltzmann-Schrödinger-Poisson solver for the simulation of nanoscale DG MOSFETs,
The Journal of Supercomputing, 1--32, 2023.
Impact factor (in 2022): 0.684 (SJR),
Books and chapters of books
José Antonio Carrillo, Massimo Fornasier, Giuseppe Toscani, Francesco Vecil, "Particle, Kinetic, and Hydrodynamic
Models of Swarming", in Naldi, G., Pareschi, L., Toscani, G. (eds.)
Mathematical Modeling of Collective Behavior in Socio-Economic
and Life Sciences, Series: Modelling and Simulation in Science and Technology,
Birkhauser, 297--336, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-08176-4945-6.
Reviewed conference proceedings
M. Fischer, J. Moriarty, K. Nordhausen, I. Panov, F. Vecil: "Dynamic
Traffic Control". In Heiliö, M. and Kauranne, T. (editors) Proceedings
of the 18th ECMI Modelling Week 13.-21. August 2004, 39--47,
Research Report 101, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, 2006.
Nicolas Crouseilles, Michel Mehrenberger, Francesco Vecil, Discontinuous Galerkin semi-Lagrangian method for Vlasov-Poisson,
CEMRACS'10 research achievements: numerical modeling of fusion, 211--230, ESAIM Proc., 32, EDP Sci., Les Ulis, 2011.
Antonio Baeza, Simon Labrunie, Pep Mulet, Francesco Vecil,
Finite difference WENO and Adaptive Mesh Refinement techniques for Vlasov-Maxwell equations,
Proceedings of the XXIV Congress on Differential Equations and Applications,
XIV Congress on Applied Mathematics, Cádiz, June 8-12 2015,
pages 243--249, ISBN 978-84-9828-529-1.
Articles submitted for publication and preprints
Works in progress
María J. Cáceres, Luca Donetti, José Miguel Mantas, Carlos Sampedro, Francesco Vecil,
The impact of the surface roughness in the Schrödinger-Poisson-Boltzmann solver for ultra-short DG-MOSFETs.
José Miguel Mantas, Francesco Vecil,
Optimization of the GPU solver for surface roughness.
José Miguel Mantas, Giovanni Nastasi, Francesco Vecil,
GPU implementation of a solver for graphene transistors.
José Miguel Mantas, Orazio Muscato, Francesco Vecil,
GPU implementation of a solver for resonant tunneling diodes.
Seminars + Participations and contributions to schools, congresses and workshops
New challenges in applied mathematics, Castro Urdiales (spain), 1-5 September 2003.
18th ECMI modelling week, Lappeenranta (Finland), 13-21 August 2004.
Méthode semi-Lagrangienne pour interpolation
WENO ponctuelle. Département de Mathématiques, Université de Nancy (France),
1 June 2005. [PDF (in French)]
Non oscillatory interpolation methods applied to kinetic equations
for plasmas, held at Journées EDPs et Applications,
Communauté de travail des Pyrénées,
Toulouse (France), 29 September 2005 - 01 October 2005. Talk.
Quantum transport: modelling, analysis and asymptotics, CIME 2006, 11-17 September 2006, Cetraro (Italy).
A solver for a coupled quantum-classical model for nanoMOSFETs,
held at DEASE Summer-school and Annual Meeting. Wolfgang Pauli Institut,
Vienna (Austria), 09-14 July 2007. Talk.
Hybrid model for 2D quantum transport, held at
International Workshop in Computational Electronics,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA (United States of America),
08-10 October 2007. Poster.
Advanced school on numerical solutions of partial differential
equations, 15-21 November 2007, at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica,
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
A semi-Lagrangian deterministic solver for a hybrid quantum-classical
nanoMOSFET, held at COMSON International Summer School on Modelling and Optimization
for the Design of Electronic Circuits and Devices, Baia Samuele, Sampieri
(Italy), 14-21 June 2008. Talk.
A semi-lagrangian deterministic solver for a hybrid quantum-classical nanoMOSFET, held at
minisymposium "M15: Mathematical Problems from Semiconductor Industry",
SIMAI 9th congress, Rome 15-19 September 2008. Talk.
Splitting methods for the solution of electron transport
in semiconductors, held at Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics,
07 October 2008. Seminar.
A deterministic hybrid quantum/classical solver for a nanoscaled
MOSFET device, held at
Quantum Systems and Semiconductor Devices: Analysis,
Simulation, Applications, 20-24 April 2009,
Peking University, Beijing (China). Invited speaker.
COMSON International Summer School
for Modeling and Optimization in MIcro- and Nano- Electronics,
1-5 September 2009, Cetraro (Italy).
INRIA Summer School 2009: Modelling and simulation
for magnetic fusion, 15-18 September, Strasbourg (France).
Simulation of a Double Gate MOSFET through a hybrid quantum/classical model,
held at PDEs in Engineering Nanoscience and Biology,
Hotel Le Royal, Hammamet (Tunisia), 17-21 May 2010. Talk.
Simulation of a Double Gate MOSFET through a hybrid quantum-
classical model, held at minisymposium "Advanced Numerical Simulations
for Kinetic Equations", joint SIAM/RSME-SCM-SEMA Meeting Emerging
Topics in Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations DSPDEs'10,
Barcelona (Spain), 31 May-4 June 2010. Talk.
[iscription 1/2]
[iscription 2/2]
Contribution 1.
Realistic simulation of a Double Gate MOSFET through a hybrid
quantum-classical model, held at minisymposium "MSP23 - Mathematical
Models and Numerical Methods for Charge Transport in Semiconductors".
Contribution 2.
Simulation of a Double Gate MOSFET through a hybrid quantum-
classical model, held at minisymposium "MSP34 - New Trends in Kinetic Theory".
joint SIMAI/SEMA conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics,
Cagliari (Italy), 21-25 June 2010. Talk.
[abstract 1]
[abstract 2]
Summer school.
Application des méthodes Galerkin-discontinues aux équations de Vlasov
held at CEMRACS (Centre d'été de mathématiques et
de recherche avancée en calcul scientifique) 2010: "Modèles numériques pour
la fusion" (Numerical models for fusion), Marseille (France).
Talk (presentation of the results of the project).
PDEs in kinetic theories: kinetic description of biological
models, Edinburgh (Scotland, United Kingdom), 8-12 October 2010.
Some applications of kinetic equations. Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada,
Universitat de València, 23 February 2011. Seminar.
Simulation of sub-band model for ultra-short DG MOSFET devices,
held at the congress in memory of Naoufel Ben Abdallah
"Kinetic models of classical and quantum particle systems",
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (France), 14-18 March 2011. Talk.
Implementación de simuladores realistas de dispositivos DG-MOSFET a nanoescala en
plataformas de altas prestaciones (Implementation of realistic solvers for nanoscaled DG-MOSFET devices
on high-performance platforms),
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, Universidad de Granada (Spain), 12 July 2011. Seminar.
AP schemes for intermediate models between a kinetic equation and its diffusive limit,
9th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2011),
held at G-Hotels, Halkidiki (Greece), 19-25 September 2011. Talk.
Numerical analysis of attraction/repulsion collective behavior models,
Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Collective Dynamics from Bacteria to Crowds,
held at the CISM (International Center for Mechanical Sciences), Udine (Italy), 9-13 July 2012.
A semi-Lagrangian AMR scheme for 2D transport problems in conservation form,
held at minisymposium "Adaptive Numerical Techniques for Partial Differential Equations",
WONAPDE 2013, Fourth Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations,
held at the Universidad de Concepción, Concepción (Chile), 14-18 January 2013. Talk.
A semi-Lagrangian AMR scheme for 2D transport problems in conservation form,
held at session "Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations",
CSASC 2013, held at Koper/Capodistria (Slovenia), 9-13 June 2013. Talk.
Simulation déterministe d'un MOSFET de double grille par un solveur parallèle,
JERAA 2013, held at Saint-Étienne (France), 22 November 2013. Talk.
[PDF in English]
Méthode semi-lagrangienne à maillage adaptatif pour des problèmes de transport,
journée de l'équipe EDPAN, Laboratoire de Mathématiques, UBP, 16 January 2014. Seminar.
[PDF in English]
Simulation déterministe d'un MOSFET de double grille par un solveur parallèle,
held at Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Grenoble (France), 7 February 2014. Seminar.
[PDF in English]
Deterministic simulation of a DG-MOSFET through a parallel solver,
13 June 2014,
2014 ECMI congress,
Taormina (Italy), 8-12 June 2014. Contributed talk.
Participation and organization.
AIMS 2014, held in Madrid (Spain), 7-11 July 2014.
Parallel deterministic simulation of ultrashort DG-MOSFETs devices: mathematical modelling and numerical solution,
held at the Universidad de Granada, Departamento de Matemática Aplicada,
Granada (Spain),
3 July 2014. Seminar.
A parallel deterministic solver for a DG-MOSFET device,
held at the Universitat de València, Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada,
Burjassot (Spain), 24 July 2014. Seminar.
A parallel deterministic solver for DG-MOSFETs,
held at
PDE-MANS 2014, Workshop on PDEs: Modelling, Analysis and Numerical Simulation,
held in Granada (Spain), 15-19 September 2014.
18 September 2014. Talk.
Simulación determinista de un MOSFET de doble
puerta. Implementación paralela, Granada (Spain), 19 June 2015. Seminar.
Implementación en plataforma de altas prestaciones de un resolvedor para
MOSFETs de doble puerta, Granada (Spain), 16 February 2016. Seminar.
Implementation on a high-performance computing platform of a deterministic solver
for Double-Gate MOSFETs, 2016 ECMI congress,
Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 13-17 June 2016.
Rennes (France), March 2017. Seminar.
Invited by Nicolas Crouseilles.
Implementation on a high-performance platform of a hybrid parallel solver for DG-MOSFETs, Granada (Spain), 19 June 2017. Seminar.
Hybrid parallel deterministic solver for DG-MOSFETs, 2018 ECMI congress,
Budapest (Hungary), 18-22 June 2018.
Hybrid implementation of a deterministic solver for DG-MOSFETs, 2019 ICIAM congress,
Valencia (Spain), 18 July 2019.
Deterministic simulation of nanoscaled DG-MOSFET on a GPU platform,
Workshop on PDEs: Modeling, Analysis and Numerical Simulations PDE-MANS 2020, Granada (Spain), 8-10 January 2020.
GPU implementation of a Schrödinger-Poisson solver for a nanoscaled DG MOSFET,
2021 ECMI congress,
held online due to COVID restrictions.
Implementation on GPU of a solver for the Schroedinger-Poisson block in confined devices,
in minisymposium "Computational Problems for Charge Transport in Low Dimensional Structures"
organized by Luigi Barletti, Giovanni Mascali and Vittorio Romano.
ECCOMAS congress, 5-9 June 2022, Oslo (Norway). Talk.
Implementation on GPU of a solver for the Schrödinger-Poisson block in confined devices,
séminaire de l'équipe EDPAN,
Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand (France),
23 June 2022.
CUDA port to GPU of a Boltzmann--Schrödinger--Poisson
solver for confined devices, 2023 ECMI congress,
MiniSymposium 21 (Modelling simulation and optimization in electrical engineering),
Wrocław (Poland), 27 June 2023. Talk.
CUDA port to GPU of a Boltzmann-Schrödinger-Poisson solver for confined devices, séminaire de l'équipe EDPAN,
Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand (France), 19 October 2023. Seminar.
Organization of conferences and workshops
Minimymposium "Advanced Numerical Simulations for Kinetic
Equations", joint SIAM/RSME-SCM-SEMA Meeting Emerging Topics
in Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations DSPDEs'10.
Barcelona (Spain). 31 May-4 June 2010.
This minisymposium has been organised by Jingmei Qiu and myself. The organisation
consisted in contacting and inviting the speakers, write the program,
chair the sessions.
Special session "Numerical techniques for the description of charged particles
transport", 10th AIMS International Conference. Madrid (Spain). 7-11 July 2014.
I am the only organizer of this special session. The organisation
consists in contacting and inviting the speakers, write the program,
chair the sessions.
Activities in other research centers
Centre: Laboratoire MIP (Mathématiques pour l'Industrie et la Physique),
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France).
Duration: 3 weeks.
Period: 2004.
Topic: solvers for kinetic equations.
Collaborators: Naoufel Ben Abdallah.
Centre: Département de Mathématiques, Université de Nancy (France).
Duration: 1 week.
Period: 30/05/2005-03/06/2005.
Topic: WENO time-splitting solver for laser-plasma interaction.
Collaborators: Simon Labrunie.
Centre: Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Catania (Italy).
Duration: 1 week.
Period: 2006.
Topic: numerical methods for Boltzmann-Poisson systems for semiconductors.
Collaborators: Armando Majorana.
Centre: Mathematics department, Universität Johannes Gutenberg Mainz (Germany).
Duration: 2 weeks.
Period: 2006.
Topic: Energy Transport models applied to transport problems.
Collaborators: Stefan Holst.
Centre: Département de Mathématiques, Université de Lille (France).
Duration: 1 week.
Period: 2006.
Topic: numerical methods for macroscopic limits of kinetic equations.
Collaborators: José Antonio Carrillo, Thierry Goudon, Pauline Lafitte.
Centre: Center of mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge (UK).
Duration: 2 week.
Period: 17/11/2008 - 29/11/2008.
Topic: splitting solvers for chemotaxis problems.
Collaborators: Peter Markowich, Klemens Fellner, Massimo Fornasier.
Centre: Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Université de Toulouse (France).
Duration: 3 days.
Period: January 2009.
Topic: solver for a coupled quantum-classical nanoMOSFET.
Collaborators: Naoufel Ben Abdallah, José Antonio Carrillo.
Centre: Departament de Matemàtiques, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).
Duration: 3 weeks.
Period: January 2009.
Topic: kinetic solvers for swarming, flocking and milling.
Collaborators: José Antonio Carrillo, José Alfredo Cañizo,
Jesús Rosado.
Centre: Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Duration: 1 month.
Period: July 2009.
Topic: parallel implementation of a deterministic Boltzmann-Schroedinger-Poisson
sub-band model for nanoMOSFETs.
Collaborators: María J. Cáceres,
José Miguel Mantas, Carlos Sampedro, Andrés Godoy.
Centre: Departament de Matemàtiques, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).
Duration: 1 week.
Period: November 2009.
Topic: numerical simulation of collective behavior models.
Collaborators: José Antonio Carrillo.
Centre: Laboratoire de Mathémathiques de Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France).
Duration: 1 week.
Period: November 2009.
Topic: asymptotic-preserving schemes for the simulation
of sub-band models for nanoscaled MOSFETs.
Collaborators: Naoufel Ben Abdallah, Marie-Hélène Vignal.
Centre: Newton Institute forMathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge.
Duration: 2 months.
Period: 1 November 2010-22 December 2010.
Topic: Partial Differential Equations in Kinetic Theories.
Organisers: J.A. Carrillo (Barcelona), S. Jin (Wisconsin) and P.A. Markowich (Cambridge).
Centre: IRMA (Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée), Université de Strasbourg.
Duration: 1 week.
Period: 28 February 2011-4 March 2011.
Topic: Implementation of a discontinuous Galerkin scheme for the guiding-center model.
Collaborators: N. Crouseilles (INRIA Strasbourg), Michel Mehrenberger (Strasbourg).
Centre: Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Duration: 1 month.
Period: July 2011.
Topic: implementation of a deterministic Boltzmann-Schroedinger-Poisson
sub-band model for nanoMOSFETs on a high-perforance platform.
Collaborators: María J. Cáceres,
José Miguel Mantas, Carlos Sampedro, Andrés Godoy.
Centre: Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Duration: 1 month.
Period: June 2012.
Topic: GPU version of the deterministic solver for partially-confined DG-MOSFETs.
Collaborators: María J. Cáceres,
José Miguel Mantas, Carlos Sampedro, Andrés Godoy.
Centre: Department of Applied Mathematics, Technical University of Munich, Garching-Munich (Germany).
Duration: 1 week.
Period: 17-21 December 2012.
Topic: Numerical analysis of the Cucker-Smale collective behavior model.
Collaborators: Massimo Fornasier.
Centre: École Centrale Paris (Châtenay-Malabry, France).
Duration: 1 week.
Period: 11-15 February 2013.
Topic: Implementation of the 2D kinetic solver for an attractive/repulsive collective behavior model.
Collaborators: Pauline Lafitte.
Centre: Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Duration: 2 weeks.
Period: June 2013.
Topic: GPU version of the deterministic solver for partially-confined DG-MOSFETs.
Collaborators: María J. Cáceres,
José Miguel Mantas, Carlos Sampedro, Andrés Godoy.
Centre: Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Period: 20 June-8 July 2014.
Topic: GPU version of the deterministic solver for partially-confined DG-MOSFETs,
and implementation of the surface roughness scattering phenomenon.
Collaborators: José Miguel Mantas, María J. Cáceres,
Carlos Sampedro, Andrés Godoy.
Centre: Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada, Universitat de València (Spain).
Period: 14-25 July 2014.
Topic: An electrodynamic solver for the quasi-relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system.
Collaborators: Pep Mulet Mestre, Antonio Baeza Manzanares.
Centre: Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Period: 3 weeks, 31 May 2015 - 19 June 2015.
Topic: GPU version of the deterministic solver for partially-confined DG-MOSFETs.
Collaborators: José Miguel Mantas, María J. Cáceres.
Centre: Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Period: 4 weeks, 01 February 2016 - 26 February 2016.
Topic: Simulación numérica acelerada del comportamiento de dispositivos semiconductores MOSFET
de dobre puerta usando Unidades de Procesamiento Gráfico (GPUs).
Collaborators: José Miguel Mantas, María J. Cáceres.
Centre: Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Period: 3 weeks, 16 June 2017 - 14 July 2017.
Collaborators: José Miguel Mantas, María J. Cáceres.
Centre: Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Period: 2 weeks, 03 July - 21 July 2018.
Collaborators: José Miguel Mantas, María J. Cáceres.
Centre: Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Period: 1 week, 25 June - 02 July 2022.
Collaborators: José Miguel Mantas, María J. Cáceres.
Centre: Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Period: 2 weeks, 03-17 June 2023.
Collaborators: José Miguel Mantas, María J. Cáceres.
Hosting of visiting professors
Person: José Miguel Mantas Ruiz
From: Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos, Universidad de Granada
Duration: 1 weeks.
Period: 6 June 2017 - 13 June 2017.
Person: Giovanni Nastasi
From: Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Catania
Duration: 1 weeks.
Period: 7 July 2024 - 12 July 2024.
Refereeing activity
Communications in Computational Physics.
Physica D.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.
Journal of Scientific Computing.
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport.
Participation to research projects
Current projects
- Numerical and theoretical analysis of models in kinetic theory and biology (PDEmas).
Funded by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Reference: PID2020-117846GB-I00.
Period: 2021-2023.
Chief researcher 1: José Alfredo Cañizo Rincón.
Chief researcher 2: María Josefa Cáceres Granados.
Institution: Universidad de Granada.
Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias.
Department: Departamento de matemática aplicada.
Past projects
- Propiedades cualitativas de ecuaciones en derivadas
parciales cinéticas y de difusión (Qualitative
properties of kinetic and diffusive PDEs).
Funded by: DGI-MEC.
Reference: MTM2005-08024.
Period: 2005-2008.
Chief researcher: José Antonio Carrillo de la Plata.
- Modelo cinético determinista para 2D MOSFET. Comparativa
con Monte Carlo e implementación paralela sobre un cluster
de PCs (Deterministic kinetic model for 2D MOSFET. Comparison
with Monte Carlo and parallel implementation on a cluster of PCs).
Reference: CSD2006-0032 / FUT-C2-0041.
Period: 01/12/2007-30/11/2008.
Chief researcher: María Josefa Cáceres Granados.
- Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales: AnĂ¡lisis y Aplicaciones.
Reference: MTM2008-06349-C03-03/MTM.
Period: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Chief researcher: José Antonio Carrillo de la Plata.
Coordinator: Xavier Cabré Vilagut.
Alta resolución y adaptatividad en modelos hiperbólicos y procesamiento de
imágenes (High resolution and adaptivity in hyperbolic models and image processing).
Reference : MINECO MTM2011-22741 (Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness).
Period : 2012-2014.
Chief researchers : Pep Mulet, Rosa Donat.
EDPs no locales para sistemas de partículas: análisis y simulación numérica acelerada
(non-local PDEs for particle systems: analysis and accelerated numerical simulation).
Reference : MINECO MTM2014-52056-P (Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness).
Period : 2015-2017.
Métodos numéricos adaptativos para proceso de imágenes y modelos con EDP
(adaptive numerical methods for image processing and PDE-based models).
Reference : MINECO MTM2014-54388-P (Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness).
Period : 2015-2017.
- Ecuaciones en derivadas parciales en modelos de física y biología: análisis y simulación numérica
(PDEs in models for physics and biology: analysis and numerical simulation).
Funded by: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad.
Reference: MTM2017-85067-P.
Period: 2018-2021.
Chief researcher 1: José Alfredo Cañizo Rincón.
Chief researcher 2: María Josefa Cáceres Granados.
Informatic skills
Operating systems: Linux, Windows and Mac OS.
Software: LaTeX, Gnuplot, Office, Xfig.
Compiled programming languages: C++, C++/Cuda, C, Fortran, Yasm assembly for x86 architecture.
Interpreted programming languages: Python, Bash.